Site Information


Owner: Ashley Fleishman LLC d/b/a FIT.AF, Chicago, Illinois

Company Profile & Key Goals: Ashley is a fitness entrepreneur, having built a self-owned business utilizing her prolific group fitness skills and dance/fitness experiences. Ashley did not have a custom website before coming to Small Web Solutions, but was using social media and an all-in-one scheduling/website service to promote her business. Unhappy with the cookie-cutter format of the scheduling service, Ashley approached SWS to provide a more customized look and feel to her online presence. Blending the best of both worlds, the scheduling and purchasing functions of her standard website service were embedded into her new custom website. The use of high-quality and high-interest photographs gives the new site a very professional, yet fun look and feel. The goal is to increase client engagements and new client inquiries.

Site Features: Fully integrated custom WordPress website that uses WP as a content management system for all site pages. This allows the client to edit page content at will. WP plug-ins include the ability to manage meta tags for search engine optimization and upload photos and documents, integrated Google Analytics tracking, global & single page SEO customization, site search functions, automatic copyright updating, masked email to combat autobot spam.

Design Features: This site utilizes a premium responsive child theme for Divi customized for this particular client with tailored colors and content. The site adjusts automatically to all types of devices, which is especially helpful and targeted for the audience of this particular business. The Home page features an information layout with various novel photo treatments, taglines, and testimonials. Subpage & global features: embedded scheduling and online payment functions, attractive and easy-to-read pricing tables, global contact form footer to encourage current and potential client engagements, and custom fonts.